Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not for Techies....Made for Teachers

I get invited to a lot of conferences each year. I limit myself to just 2-3 based in Texas. I think next year, I may just attend one and send more teachers to these conferences.

And that is what our event is about - teachers talking about technology.

Techpalooza isn't for tech directors. It isn't for the "usual" crowd to get together to brag about their initiatives. This isn't for lurkers to sit in the back and blog. The mainstay of this conference isn't the local BBQ or the conversation in Tweetups or events after the main event.

Techpalooza is about letting people who aren't comfortable using technology, talk honestly about using technology.

The greatest compliment overheard last year was "I didn't know the language to even ask the right I have the right words and know what to look for".

That's the purpose of Techpalooza.

So send us your teachers who want to explore openly and share about their use of the vast resources of the web, IWBs, document cameras, mobile devices, and even home computing.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Not Kerrville ISD

On June 4, we are not Kerrville Independent School District. We become Kerrville Personal Learning Community. Every person who attends Techpalooza has the opportunity to be a resource for someone else who attends.

It could be you who offers a question that someone else in the room is afraid to ask.

It could be you who takes on leading a small or large group on a given topic.

It could be you who knows more than the speaker and feels ready to share to the rest of the group.

The thing about Techpalooza is that it is WAY different than any staff development day where you have participated.

We start with a blank schedule. We ask the group "what do you want to learn today?" and fill up a blank board with the answers. We group these responses into session ideas.

And then we ask the entire group "who feels comfortable talking about ________" as we go through each session idea.

It is completely flexible, exciting and you get to see how other teachers in the district are experts in what they do with technology in the classroom. You get to ask questions and interact. And we implement the "2 foot rule" which allows you the flexibility to use your own 2 feet to walk out of any session you feel you aren't enjoying to find a session more to your liking.

No one is offended. Just go where you want to go.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Techpalooza 2.0 date is SET!

June 4, 2012 - at Hal Peterson Middle School. We will rock your socks off! And if you aren't wearing socks, we will add you to the final number of those who had socks rocked off.

More details to come. Follow us on Twitter @techpalooza or by visiting our site

More flyers posted there if you want some printables.