Monday, October 3, 2011

A whimper and then a bang

We've got a problem.

Staff development. Committees. Meetings.

You could say all three of these are separate problems. I disagree. They all have a unifying problem and that is most people don't know how to manage these three things in order to make them effective.

All three utilize 3 common elements: people, time and space. 

Quality staff development is engaging and uses the resources in the room.
Committees value the team members and allows cross-collaboration and interaction.
Meetings are interactive and engage the creativity of the people who attend.

Sound like your people-gatherings?

June 1, my district let me run an event called "techpalooza" and it sparked such conversation and idea sharing. Without a planned schedule, we let the participants develop their own schedule and set them about to self-learn. We provided interactive gamestorm activities and encouraged participants to share.

It was a successful event and the ideas behind it continue to spark different types of people-gatherings into innovative collaboration events.

Techpalooza is now a term for our district that we plan to use for featured staff development events that we know will be different than average. These are coordinated events of unplanned creative sharing. Techpalooza is removing the words "meeting", "committee", and "staff development" from our vernacular because of the negative connotation.

The brand is starting after whimpers of excessively controlled and boring methods of group sharing. This blog will be about our events and ideas for changing what we do with the people in the room. We hope you join us in this journey!

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